What Does a Medical Pedicure Entail?

Pedicures are a great way to keep your nails and feet looking amazing, but when you have more severe problems, a regular pedicure won’t cut it. 

At Foot and Ankle Wellness Center in Bethesda, MD, our experienced podiatrists provide medical pedicures daily. Keep reading to learn what medical pedicures are and how they can help keep your feet and nails healthy.

What is a medical pedicure?

A medical pedicure combines nail care with podiatry to give your feet the love they deserve. Our team won’t paint your nails or soak your feet during a medical pedicure, but you’ll receive a 

complete podiatry exam and a waterless, sterile pedicure. 

During the treatment, our team removes damaged nail tissue, dead skin, and hangnails to prevent future complications. The entire process is noninvasive, focusing on treating any nail or foot problems you’re currently dealing with.

What medical pedicures treat

Medical pedicures are great for dealing with numerous problems, including:

  • Splinters
  • Blisters
  • Fungal toenails
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Thick skin and nails
  • Discolored toenails
  • Corns and calluses
  • Plantar warts
  • Damaged or weakened toenails
  • Ingrown toenails

These problems are especially important to address in the diabetic population, which is prone to loss of sensation in the extremities and foot problems as a result.

The medical pedicure process

When you come in for your medical pedicure, the entire process takes 60-90 minutes. Your podiatrist begins by reviewing your medical records and discussing your symptoms. 

Next, they examine your feet for problems, including corns, blisters, calluses, and other abnormalities. Sometimes, they may also take skin samples to test for non-readily apparent issues like psoriasis. 

Once your podiatrist completes the examination, they sterilize and clean your feet. Then they use medical-grade equipment to remove the dead skin and tissue, clip your nails, and thin out thick toenails. 

If our team discovers corns or calluses, they apply a topical anesthetic before removing them. For plantar warts, your podiatrist will use Swift microwave therapy to remove them. 

Once your podiatrist has completed the main portion of the medical pedicure, they apply tea tree oil between your toes and to your nails to help prevent athlete’s foot and nail fungus and then push your cuticles back with an orangewood stick. 

Finally, our team completes your medical pedicure with a gentle foot massage with an emollient to relieve pain, promote healing, and increase circulation. 

When you want to treat your feet to a special occasion with a medical pedicure, our team at Foot and Ankle Wellness Center in Bethesda, MD, is here to help. Call us today, or schedule an appointment online to help restore your feet’s quality of life.