Bunions, those bumps that form at the base of the big toe, can be a significant source of discomfort and a cosmetic concern for many. Caused by an imbalance in foot mechanics, the deformity results in the big toe turning towards the other toes, while the bone located just behind the big toe protrudes outwards.
Surgery can sometimes be the most effective method for treating severe bunion, but not everyone is a candidate for or desires a surgical solution.
The experienced podiatry team at the Foot and Ankle Wellness Center in Bethesda, MD, offers the following nonsurgical strategies to manage bunion pain effectively:
1. Wear shoes that fit well
The most immediate relief for bunion pain often comes from choosing the right shoes. Here’s what to consider when choosing footwear:
- Shoes should have a wide toe box and avoid placing pressure on the bunion
- Look for shoes with arch supports that help reduce pressure on the bunion
- Opt for low-heeled shoes
If you have complications from the bunion, such as hammertoe, you may also want to look for shoes with a deep toe box.
2. Consider orthotic inserts
Custom orthotic devices can redistribute the weight and reduce pressure on the bunion, providing relief from pain. They can also prevent worsening of the deformity.
3. Padding
Protective pads can act as a buffer between the shoe and the bunion, reducing pain. Ensure that the padding doesn’t squeeze the toes, which can exacerbate the issue.
4. Toe separators or splints
Separators and splits help realign the big toe and reduce the stress on the bunion. Wearing them during the night when sleeping can offer gradual correction and relief.
5. Medications
Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce pain and inflammation. However, it’s essential to consult with a physician before starting any medication regimen, especially for those with health conditions or those on other medications.
6. Ice
Applying ice to the bunion can help numb the area and reduce inflammation, especially after a day of walking or standing. Never apply ice directly to the skin — always wrap it in a cloth or towel.
7. Weight management
Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the strain on your feet and help reduce discomfort from the bunion.
8. Physical therapy
Physical therapy exercises can help strengthen the foot muscles, improve flexibility, and offer pain relief. Our team can refer you to a physical therapist to address specific issues related to your bunion, if needed.
9. Lifestyle adjustments
Keep track of your daily activities and which ones seem to trigger pain. If certain actions aggravate the bunion, consider alternatives or ways to minimize their impact. For example, if standing for extended periods triggers pain, remember to take breaks to sit down and elevate your foot.
Living with bunion pain doesn’t necessarily mean you’re headed for the operating room. By adopting some of these nonsurgical approaches, many people can find relief and improve their quality of life.
If you have discomfort from a bunion, consult with a foot and ankle specialist like those at the Foot and Ankle Wellness Center to understand the severity and get a personalized treatment plan. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today.